Carbon Footprint


Mind Map on Carbon Footprint, created by James Bland on 02/10/2013.
James Bland
Mind Map by James Bland, updated more than 1 year ago
James Bland
Created by James Bland about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Carbon Footprint


  • we measure how much carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere and call this our carbon footprint
  1. Problem
    1. Cause
      1. Resolution
      2. The world is getting hotter


        • We call this 'Climate Change' or Global Warming. It is happening because mankind is putting greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere  which is trapping heat.
        1. Greenhouse gasses
          1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
            1. Methane
              1. Created by
                1. Burning fossil fuels
                  1. Power Stations
                    1. Coal
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