Digital media production and design


Mind Map on Digital media production and design, created by Belen Jimenez on 09/04/2015.
Belen Jimenez
Mind Map by Belen Jimenez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user almost 10 years ago
Belen Jimenez
Copied by Belen Jimenez almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Digital media production and design
  1. Web design
    1. Awesome
      1. Awful
        1. Characteristics
          1. Design
            1. Download Speed
              1. Usability
                1. Content
              2. Design & production of interactive projects
                1. Users
                  1. Devices
                    1. Multitasking
                      1. Interaction
                        1. 10 trends for 2014
                          1. Transcendece & storytelling
                            1. Future = Interactive MKT
                              1. Mexican Context
                              2. Key concepts of interactive media
                                1. Engagement
                                      1. Online MKT and advertising
                                        1. Key Performance Indicators
                                          1. Interactive Video
                                            1. Gaming and social gaming
                                              1. Apps
                                              2. The World is flat
                                                1. Technology advanced
                                                  1. Work at home
                                                    1. Personal attention
                                                      1. fast learning
                                                        1. Status Quo change
                                                          1. Globalization
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