AQA Biology Core 2


Mind Map by chelseaa_price, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by ryancharman98 over 9 years ago
Copied by chelseaa_price over 9 years ago

Resource summary

AQA Biology Core 2
  1. Survival
    1. Adaptation
      1. Animals
        1. Weather
          1. Cold
            1. Small surface area: volume ratio
            2. Hot
              1. Large surface area: volume ratio
          2. Plants
            1. Lose water vapour through leaf
          3. Competition
            1. Animals
              1. Mates
                1. Territory
                  1. Food
                  2. Plants
                    1. Light
                      1. Water
                        1. Mineral ions in soil
                      2. Changes in environment
                        1. Distribution of living organisms
                          1. Make survival harder
                            1. Indicator species
                              1. Highlight pollution
                                1. Sulphur dioxide
                                  1. Lichen distribution
                                  2. Dissolved oxygen
                            2. Variation and Reproduction
                              1. Inheritance
                                1. Genes
                                  1. Control characteristics
                                    1. Passed on
                                  2. Asexual reproduction
                                    1. No gametes
                                      1. Adult cell cloning
                                        1. Tissue culture
                                          1. Embryo splitting
                                            1. All information comes from one parent
                                            2. Genetic engineering
                                              1. Transfers new genes to new organisms
                                                1. Makes GM crops
                                                  1. Higher yields
                                                    1. More nutritious
                                                      1. Cause concern about health and environment
                                                      2. Makes embryos develop the certain characteristics
                                                      3. Evolution
                                                        1. New species arise when populations adapt to different environments
                                                          1. Darwin
                                                            1. Natural selection
                                                              1. Only fittest organisms survive
                                                                1. Able to reproduce
                                                                2. Mutation
                                                                  1. Variation
                                                                    1. Best adapted
                                                                      1. Survival breed
                                                                        1. Genes passed on
                                                                3. Gradually accepted
                                                            2. Energy
                                                              1. Recycled
                                                                1. Carbon cycle
                                                                  1. Photosynthesis
                                                                  2. Decomposed
                                                                    1. Bacteria and fungi
                                                                      1. Decay
                                                                        1. Quicker in warm, moist conditions
                                                                    2. Flows along food chain
                                                                      1. Energy decreases from organism to organism
                                                                        1. Biomass gets less also
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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