Natural Gas


really nice mind map
Mind Map by 王久涛, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 王久涛 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Gas
  1. components
    1. C1,C2,C3,C4, H2S, N2,O2, rare gas
    2. terminology
      1. wet gas(C>1)
        1. dry gas (C1)
          1. Unassociated gas(non-oil wells)
            1. Associated gas (oil wells)
              1. LNG
              2. Unwanted components
                1. H2S, CO2, water, N2, O2, He, Radon, Mercaptans, dust
                2. Source
                  1. Oil and Gas wells
                  2. Use of natural gas
                    1. Domestic
                      1. commercial
                        1. electric generation
                          1. industrial
                          2. properties of burning gas
                            1. Calorific value
                              1. specific gravity
                                1. burning velocity
                                  1. Wobbe number
                                    1. wobbe number=(Calorific Value)/√(Specific Garvity)
                                  2. critical industrial reactions
                                    1. steam reforming(SR)
                                      1. CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2 – syn gas
                                      2. water gas shift(WGS)
                                        1. CO + H2O → CO2 + H2
                                        2. fischer-tropsch chemistry(GTL)
                                          1. 2nH2 + CO =-(CH2)n- + H2O
                                          2. Ammonia
                                            1. N2 + 3H = 2NH3
                                            2. Methanol
                                              1. CO + 2H2 = CH3OH CO2 + 3H2 =CH3OH+H2O
                                            3. catalysts
                                              1. homogeneous
                                                1. heterogeneous
                                                  1. discriptions
                                                    1. conversion
                                                      1. selectivity
                                                        1. yield
                                                          1. turnover number
                                                            1. TOF = (no. of moles of given product) ( no. active sites x time )
                                                          2. decay
                                                            1. sintering
                                                              1. attrition
                                                                1. poisoning
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