Yasmin ahmad - the well known director


Mind Map on Yasmin ahmad - the well known director, created by mimi_slurpy on 03/06/2015.
Mind Map by mimi_slurpy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mimi_slurpy over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Yasmin ahmad - the well known director
  1. Different point of view
    1. New breath to Malaysian cinema
      1. Conserve Malay values and standard
        1. Creating her own signature in film making industry
        2. Heart-warming artwork
          1. Her advertisement for PETRONAS are very admirable with its humor and love between different culture.
            1. She is truly icon of 1Malaysia
            2. Sensational Issues
              1. Language
                1. Multiculturalism
                  1. Religion
                    1. Tradition
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