Hemodialysis Clinical Outcomes Improvement Initiative. Student Name Norma Garcia Date: April 29, 2022


The purpose of the mental mapping is to create brainstorming ideas to improve hemodialysis patients' clinical outcomes
Norma Garcia
Mind Map by Norma Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Norma Garcia
Created by Norma Garcia almost 3 years ago
Norma Garcia
Copied by Norma Garcia almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Hemodialysis Clinical Outcomes Improvement Initiative. Student Name Norma Garcia Date: April 29, 2022
  1. Adequacy of Dialysis
    1. Lab work


      • Draw samples in a timely manner following company regulations.
      1. Anemia Management
        1. Decrease Missed Treatments
          1. Increase Compliance with Medications
            1. Patient Education
              1. Staff Education


                • Staff requires to be educated to increase knowledge about dialysis and treatment options
                1. Fluid management


                  • Dietitian Counseling regarding fluid limit intake.
                  1. Decrease Hospital Admissions


                    • Patients who missed dialysis have have more frequent visits to the ER department.
                    1. Address Insurance Problems
                      1. Lack of Transportation


                        • An important barrier that prevents patients to attend dialysis
                        1. Lack of family support
                          1. Comorbidities
                            1. Depression
                          2. Financial Advisro and Social Workers
                        2. Lobby Education
                        3. Staff Monthly Meetings or Lunch Sessions
                        4. Evaluate Health Literacy
                        5. Medication review
                        6. Reschedule dialysis treatments
                        7. Anemia Manger


                          • Must report alerts to nephrologist. Address results and protocols in a timely manner.
                        8. Laboratory Provider


                          • Always double check labs results or alerts with the lab provider
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