Happy Valley


mind map of happy valley
Mind Map by asyalove1998, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by asyalove1998 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Happy Valley
  1. Closed structure.
    1. The story ends satisfactorily – this is known as closure. 
      1. Linear structure. So a linear narrative will go in a straight line – or normally in chronological order
      2. A multi-stand narrative.
        1.  A multi-strand structure means there are several narratives running at the same time.
          1. 1.Catherine tries to look after with her grandchild 2. Catherine tries to catch the guy,who had rapped her daughter 3. Kidnapping of the girl
        2. Enigma
          1. Codes ,which limit audience information. A puzzle to be solved "who/what/why"?
            1. Who kidnapped Ann? What will happen with Catherine Grandson?
            2. The plot constructs a puzzle that the audience is asked to solve while the characters act out the story.
            3. Narrative structure
              1. Exposition – meeting the characters, establishing the setting: setting the tone – establishing the normal of the film world •Rising Action – the central conflict is introduced and the tension between the protagonist and the antagonist begins to mount
                1. Exposition - meeting Catherine, knowing her life better, what she is doing, story about her daughter,her typical life. Complication - Tommy Lee is introduced, Catherine recognises him as he rapped her daughter.
                  1. Climax- Tommy and Ashley kidnapped Ann and Catherine tries to chase them. Moreover Tommy realised that her grandson is his biological son and tells him that he is his father.
                  2. Climax – The climax is the turning point, which marks a change, for the better or the worse, in the protagonist’s future. •Resolution – the creation of the new normal. The conflict is resolved
                  3. Todorov's theory.
                    1. Equlibrium =everything seems normal and calm. Disruption = crime. Resolution = crime solved. New equilibrium is produced to end of the narrative.
                      1. Equilibrium = usual Catherine's life , policewoman days, grandson. Disruption = Ann's kidnapping. Resolution = Catherine caught Tommy and beat him almost to death. New equilibrium = some kind of change for Catherine as she finally caught Tommy(for kidnapping and daughter's rape). The final scene is she looks on the mountain,sun shines and she smiles.
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