An Archaeologist on a Dig


An archaeologist on a dig
Bróna McDermott
Mind Map by Bróna McDermott, updated more than 1 year ago
Bróna McDermott
Created by Bróna McDermott almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

An Archaeologist on a Dig
  1. Choosing the Site
    1. Aerial Photograpy
      1. Metal detectors
        1. Field walking
          1. Local Knowledge
          2. Digging
            1. Topsoil
              1. Grid
              2. Tools
                1. Trowel
                  1. Sieve
                    1. Brush
                      1. Photographic scales
                        1. Camera
                          1. Polythene bags
                          2. Cleaning
                            1. Brushes
                              1. Photographic poles
                              2. Dating
                                1. Carbon-14 dating
                                  1. Stratigraphy
                                    1. Dendrochronology
                                    2. Storing
                                      1. Museums
                                        1. Libraries
                                          1. Archives
                                            1. Computer files
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