Scientific Revolution


Mind Map on Scientific Revolution, created by iamsammert on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by iamsammert, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by iamsammert over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Scientific Revolution
  1. The curiosity about Math, Physics, Astronomy, Biology and Chemistry
    1. Astronomy
      1. The study of space
        1. Copernicus
            1. Polish Astronomer
            2. Galileo
              1. Heliocentric Theory
                1. The belief in which the sun is in the middle of the universe
                2. Italian Astronomer
            3. Biology
              1. Scientific Method
                1. 5. Draw a conclusion
                  1. 4. Test the Hypothesis Example
                    1. 3. Hypothesis Example
                      1. 2. Gather info about the question
                        1. 1. State the problem
                        2. William Harvey
                          1. English Physician
                            1. First to describe the circulations of blood in humans
                        3. Physics
                          1. Galileo
                            1. Inertia Theory
                              1. Which an object moves or rests until something outside of it changes its motion
                            2. Inertia Theory
                              1. Newton
                                1. Theories of motion and gravity
                            3. Chemistry
                              1. Robert Boyle
                                1. Irish Philosopher
                                  1. Boyles Law
                                    1. The amount of space gas takes, decreases as pressure is applied
                                2. Paracelsus
                                  1. Rejected the ancient theory that disease was caused by an imbalance of the four humors
                                  2. Scientific Method
                                  3. Mathematics
                                    1. John Wallis
                                      1. Invention of Calculus
                                        1. English Mathematician
                                        2. John Napier
                                          1. Invention of Logarithms
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