Great Yarmouth


A-Levels Geography (Crowded Coasts) Mind Map on Great Yarmouth, created by Jodie Goodacre on 01/05/2013.
Jodie Goodacre
Mind Map by Jodie Goodacre, updated more than 1 year ago
Jodie Goodacre
Created by Jodie Goodacre over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Great Yarmouth
  1. 15 miles of wide, golden, sandy beaches from north to south
    1. Seaside amusements
      1. Bouncy castles
        1. Rugged cliffs
          1. Parks
            1. Gardens
              1. Theme parks
                1. Two piers
                  1. Scroby sand wind farm
                    1. Locals believe area has improved
                      1. Tourism
                        1. Job creation
                          1. Money into the area
                            1. Upgraded facilities
                              1. Increased business
                                1. Increased congestion
                                  1. Lack of parking
                                    1. Crowded
                                      1. Work is seasonal
                                        1. Businesses struggle in the winter
                                      2. Independent buildings
                                        1. Unique town
                                          1. Seaside shops
                                            1. Souvenir shops
                                              1. Cafés
                                                1. Clothes shops
                                                  1. Clubs
                                                    1. Church
                                                      1. Beach didn't have relavent information
                                                        1. Much litter
                                                          1. Untidy
                                                            1. Lack of rubbish bins
                                                              1. The management was effective and would be able to hold the line
                                                                1. There was a reasonable flood defence in place (mini sea wall)
                                                                  1. There is a high aesthetic value
                                                                    1. Good access to the beach
                                                                      1. No obvious safety risk
                                                                        1. Low level of disturbance
                                                                          1. Maintains natural coastal processes and habitats
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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