English Language Change from 1066 AD to 1500 AD


Changes in the English Language in the Middle English era (A2 AQA B)
Elizabeth Carr
Mind Map by Elizabeth Carr, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Carr
Created by Elizabeth Carr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

English Language Change from 1066 AD to 1500 AD
  1. Changes to words and sentences
    1. Normans abandoned Old Norse (Viking) for French
      1. Norse influence caused grammatical change
        1. Inflections (endings) to word roots
        2. Pronounciation changes
          1. Inflections sometimes dropped
            1. Some words sounded like other words
              1. Rigid sentence structure implemented to combat this
                1. Subject + Verb + Object
        3. Norman French influence
          1. Influenced language in royal court, church, law and education
            1. Words borrowed from French
              1. Words for meat introduced instead of animal name
                1. Pork (porc)
                  1. Beef (boeuf)
                    1. Mutton (mouton)
                    2. Words respelt using French conventions
                      1. îs > ice
                        1. cwçn > queen
                        2. Influence waned by 14th century
                        3. Language and contexts
                          1. Anglo-Norman was spoken language of court, administration and culture
                            1. Latin was written language of church and official records
                              1. Domesday book used Latin to emphasise legal authority
                              2. Peasantry and lower classes spoke Old English
                                1. Considered by Normans as lower class language
                                  1. 95% of population
                                2. New words
                                  1. 10,000 words moved from Norman into English
                                    1. 75% are still in use today
                                    2. Abstract nouns introduced
                                      1. Ending in:
                                        1. -age
                                          1. -ance/ence
                                            1. -ant/ent
                                              1. -ity
                                                1. -tion
                                                2. Starting in
                                                  1. con-
                                                    1. pre-
                                                      1. ex-
                                                        1. trans-
                                                          1. de-
                                                        2. Tradesmen
                                                          1. Humble trades kept anglo-saxon names
                                                            1. Baker
                                                              1. Miller
                                                                1. Shoemaker
                                                                2. Skilled trades adopted French names
                                                                  1. Mason
                                                                    1. Painter
                                                                      1. Tailor
                                                                        1. Merchant
                                                                      2. Synonyms
                                                                        1. Infant/child
                                                                          1. Battle/fight
                                                                            1. Labour/work
                                                                              1. Desire/wish
                                                                                1. Conceal/hide
                                                                                  1. Aid/help
                                                                                    1. Odour/smell
                                                                                    2. French and Old English combined
                                                                                      1. French 'gentle' + Germanic 'man' > gentleman
                                                                                      2. Examples
                                                                                        1. Crown and Authority
                                                                                          1. Prince
                                                                                            1. Count
                                                                                              1. Duke
                                                                                                1. Some Anglo-saxon words remained
                                                                                                  1. King
                                                                                                    1. Queen
                                                                                                      1. Earl
                                                                                                        1. Lady
                                                                                                      2. Government and administration
                                                                                                        1. City
                                                                                                          1. Government
                                                                                                            1. Parliament
                                                                                                            2. Court and law
                                                                                                              1. Jury
                                                                                                                1. Accuse
                                                                                                                2. War and combat
                                                                                                                  1. Authority and Control
                                                                                                                    1. Serf
                                                                                                                      1. Obedience
                                                                                                                      2. Fashion and high living
                                                                                                                        1. Mansion
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