Environments, modalities & didactics with technology


"Las proposiciones o verdades fundamentales por donde se estudian las ciencias o las artes y a las normas fundamentales que rigen el pensamiento y la conducta" (RAE,2010)
Carlos Mario Gómez
Mind Map by Carlos Mario Gómez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Karen Jiménez1551
Created by Karen Jiménez1551 about 9 years ago
Carlos Mario Gómez
Copied by Carlos Mario Gómez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Environments, modalities & didactics with technology
    1. LMS -> Learning Management System
      1. Contains tools and services. Administers Distributes and controls Courses and modules.
        1. Examples:
          1. Moodle
            1. Blackboard
              1. Edmodo
                1. Schoology
            2. PLE -> Personal Learning Environment
              1. The student or the teacher use Web 2.0 tools for building their learning.
              2. MOOC -> Masive Open Online Courses
                1. A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.
                  1. Coursera.org
                    1. Stanford.edu
                      1. Educalab.es
                  2. TRAINING MODALITIES
                    1. Face-to-face mediated by technology
                      1. ICT tools supporting in class learning
                        1. smartboards
                          1. computers
                            1. Mobile devices (tablets, cellphones)
                          2. B- learning [Blended Learning] (Formación combinada)
                            1. Face-to face education mixed with online education
                            2. e-learning [Electronic learning] (formación virtual o a distancia)
                              1. Education is given through an LMS platform, without physical interaction.
                                1. e-learning
                                2. m-learning (Aprendizaje móvil)
                                  1. Learning from any device that is transported with the person
                                    1. U-Learning [ubiquitous Learning] (aprendizaje ubicuo)
                                    2. s-learning (aprendizaje social)
                                      1. It is achieved through contact with peers in learning communities and social networks. A teacher is not necessary
                                    3. DIDACTICS
                                      1. Flipped Classroom
                                        1. Inverting what happens inside and outside the classroom
                                        2. Virtual Learning Objects (VLO)
                                          1. "Structured material in a meaningful way, associated with an educational purpose and corresponding to a digital resource that can be distributed and consulted through the Internet." (MEN, 2005, paragraph 3).
                                            1. Texts
                                              1. Images
                                                1. Videos
                                                  1. Audios
                                                2. Evaluation techniques
                                                  1. Self-evaluation
                                                    1. The student evaluates him/herself.
                                                    2. Peer-evaluation
                                                      1. Students evaluate each other
                                                      2. Teacher's evaluation
                                                        1. one-way evaluation
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                                                    NEIL BERNAL R.
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                                                    Poniendo en Práctica el Aula Invertida (The Flipped Classroom)
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                                                    PLANEACIÓN DIDÁCTICA
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                                                    Preguntas previas a introducir la tecnología en el aula
                                                    Diego Santos
                                                    ¿Qué tipo de maestro eres?
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