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Crime and Punishment
GCSE English Litreature Mind Map on Crime and Punishment, created by farzana_06 on 21/05/2013.
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english litreature
english litreature
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Crime and Punishment
Recreational drugs is when a person uses drug for enjoyment. Most are illegal
opioid analgesics - Drugs that have a pain killing effect
Passive smoking is when another person is inhaling the smoke
Legal Drugs- Caffeine Alcohol Nicotin
Class A drugs are highly addictive. This is like Heroin, Cocaine
Class B drugs are not addictive however very bad for health i.e. to depression
Class C drugs are performance enhancing Drugs. They are not addictive
Advantage of Class A drugs
People will stop resulting to crime to have it
People will ask for help when needed
The police will have less work
Hard drugs are dangerous and if take many teens will
Teaching society the wrong thing.
Class B drugs
Cannabis is less harmful then Alcohol
Less addictive
Less police time
Long term effect
Money loss from NHS as lodes will be going rehab
En courage people have harder drugs
cannabis stays within body longer then alcohol
Religions Teachings
Christianity believe that its wrong
Your body is 'Gods Temple'
You must follow the lands law - Bible
Its wrong to have performance enhancing drugs because God gave a gift of sport
Smoking is wrong however some argue that god gave them free will and they are allowed to chose what to do to their body
Its haram to harm your body as Allah said to be pure
You cannot pray if having drugs
Your body is a gift from Allah and you should look after it untill judgment day
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