Post War 1945-1947


A-Levels History Mind Map on Post War 1945-1947, created by Jake Davey on 21/05/2013.
Jake Davey
Mind Map by Jake Davey, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea over 11 years ago
Jake Davey
Copied by Jake Davey over 11 years ago
Jake Davey
Copied by Jake Davey about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Post War 1945-1947
  1. Impact of War
    1. Economy
      1. Can no long afford empire


        • Keynes estimated running of Empire to cost be £1.4 billion
        1. wartime debts to be paid


          • USA funded UK during warIndia had footed the bill for wages for Indian soldiers £50 million/year Overall debt to India £1.3 billion
          1. reconstruction cost


            • British cities destroyed in Blitz
            1. Downward trend in revenue from India exacerbated by war
            2. fear unrest
              1. Bombay mutinies 1946


                • 20,000 soldiers mutiny Congress stop muitny - shows their power Demonstrates to Britian that the Army cannot be trusted - never used again
                1. proliferation of weapons after WWII


                  • Soldiers didn't hand back weapons when demobbed
                  1. Morale in army very low - everone wants to just go home!
                    1. nationalist campaigns during war
                      1. INA


                        • First serious armed uprising since Great Rebellion Issue of PoWs - causes anti-British feeling
                        1. Congress


                          • Quit India  Movement - turned violent Fear of renewed call for Civil dosobedience
                      2. fear of civil war
                        1. 1940 Muslim League demand seperate state
                          1. Muslim League took positions from resigned Congress ministers - increased tensions
                          2. change of British attitude
                            1. 1945 elections - Atlee PM


                              • Socialist - wants social reforms in Britain Wants reform in India too. Needs money - KEY FACTOR - NHS
                              1. Churchill voted out
                            2. Cabinet Mission
                              1. Offers


                                • choice between: Federal System - minimal input from the national govt - majority of power to rest with the provinical/state govts. After an unspecified time states could choose to break away (secede) OR  Seperate states
                                1. Britain hope to make the first offer a compromise both sides could accept
                                  1. Rejected by both ML and Congress
                                2. May Statement


                                  • Rejected by Congress but accepted by ML Reinterpreted by Congress - British allow this ML reject - DAD
                                  1. States first option will be used as basis for indpendence despite no agreement
                                  2. Key People
                                    1. Sir Stafford Cripps


                                      • Determined to succeed having failed in 1942 Very close to Gandhi and Congress - led to antagonism between groups.
                                      1. Pethick Lawrence


                                        • a 'yes' man - nickname 'pathetic Lawrence'.  Tried to say yes to everything.  Rubbish negotiator.
                                    2. Direct Action Day
                                      1. Caused by failure of Cab Miss
                                        1. National Hartal - Peaceful mass movement
                                          1. Jinnah wants to show power of ML
                                            1. Everywhere except Calcutta the movement is peaceful
                                            2. Calcutta Killings


                                              • 6,000 dead 20,000 wounded 100,000 homeless
                                              1. hartal quickly descends into violence
                                                1. Violence spreads across the North of India - rioting and disruption continue until independence
                                                2. Hindus, Mulsims, British all bear some responsibility
                                                  1. Majority of worst violence caused by gang warfare - movement hijacked by criminal underworld
                                                    1. Seen (by some) as point of no return for united India
                                                      1. Damages Jinnah's reputation
                                                    2. Mountbatten
                                                      1. Close relationship with Nehru


                                                        • Leads to friction with ML and JInnah in particular
                                                        1. Simla Moment


                                                          • Mountbatten shows Nehru his plans for independence - changes them when Nehru doesn't like them.
                                                        2. Very bad relationship with Jinnah
                                                          1. Given job largely due to royal connections


                                                            • Atlee wants to cover the end of empire with a little royal glamour
                                                            1. Plan Balkan


                                                              • Rubbish Plan - would never be accepted by Congress - could potentially have led to the complete break up of the sub continent   see Simla moment
                                                              1. Menon Plan


                                                                • Drafted in 3hrs - had to be checked by Nehru! based on May Statement gave very little time to carry out partition planning
                                                                1. 2 state solution
                                                                  1. Possible after Congress decided to accept partition in March 1947
                                                                2. Interim Govt


                                                                  • Viceroy/Governor Gen of Exce Council - Wavell Nehru - Vice President (in control of foreign affairs) Patel - Home Affairs (security/law/secret services etc) Ali Khan - Muslim rep on Exec Council Jinnah - finance minister
                                                                  1. Stepping stone to independent govt.
                                                                    1. Seen by Patrick French as more significant than independence
                                                                      1. Splits when partition is decided upon
                                                                      2. Independence/partition
                                                                        1. 14/15th August 1947
                                                                          1. Huge amounts of migration and violence approx 1million dead
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