

Western Australian Certificate of Education English ATAR (V for Vendetta - Film) Mind Map on Symbolism, created by Selina Koo on 06/09/2017.
Selina Koo
Mind Map by Selina Koo, updated more than 1 year ago
Selina Koo
Created by Selina Koo about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. V
    1. V was held in cell number 5
      1. 5 = V
      2. V alliteration
        1. Emphasis
          1. Gives hints into who he is
          2. The vandalism
            1. Looks like the anarchy symbol
              1. Undermines the government
            2. Guy Fawkes Mask
              1. Unity
                1. Everyone is united
                  1. No one person is more important than the others
                    1. transform them into someone else
                    2. “He was Edmond Dantes. And her was my father, and my mother. My brother. My friend. He was you, and me. He was all of us.”
                      1. The who does not matter
                      2. Represents a unified idea
                      3. The notion of 'forever'
                        1. It will live forever in people
                        2. The Guy Fawkes mob
                          1. Moving together as one
                            1. "Strength through unity"
                              1. A play on the governments motto
                                1. "Strength through unity, unity through faith."
                            2. Physical representation of an idea
                              1. “beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof”
                                1. "There is a face beneath this mask but it's not me."
                                2. Guy Fawkes
                                  1. anarchism, revolutionary, connection to the spirit
                                    1. opposition to government
                                  2. Embodies the spirit of revolution
                                  3. The people who were killed turning up in the crowd at the end
                                    1. The 'forever' notion
                                    2. Music contrasting with the explosion
                                      1. There is good in what seems like the worst
                                        1. 'The best is yet to come'
                                        2. Represents something more than just the physical objects
                                          1. "This country needs for than just a building right now. It needs hope."
                                        3. The big screen
                                          1. Dictatorship
                                            1. Exaggerates the amount of power and worth
                                              1. Size of his face to represent his metaphorical size compared to everyone else
                                              2. Repeating of the opening
                                                1. Shows full cycle
                                                  1. The conversion and transformation of a character
                                                  2. Change is required to avoid repeating history
                                                    1. "November, November, the fifth of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."
                                                  3. The roses
                                                    1. Death contrasts with beauty
                                                      1. Roses are pretty but they represent death and brutality
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