computer systems


Mind Map on computer systems, created by Amber Morgan on 15/09/2017.
Amber Morgan
Mind Map by Amber Morgan, updated more than 1 year ago
Amber Morgan
Created by Amber Morgan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

computer systems
  1. output
    1. printer - that excepts data from a computer and prints it onto paper and it can be things like text and photos
      1. Monitor - displays the output as images on the screen and this means text and the general display too
        1. Speakers - converts the file into sound
          1. LED - lights when there is an output
          2. input
            1. keyboard - allows the user to enter data by pressing keys
              1. mouse - allows the user to click icons using the movement of the object and the buttons
                1. Microphone - picks up the sound created and converts it into digital input data
                  1. Heat sensor - detects the surrounding temperature and inputs the data
                    1. Touch screen - detects the fingers movement and inputs the data for the computer to use
                    2. storage
                      1. software
                        1. Optical
                          1. DVD - follows the same system of retrieving the data as a cd but can store more data so is normally used to store films
                            1. Blu Ray - functions the same as a DVD and CD but the dots are much closer together so it can store more data the resolution of the image is much better and uses a blue ray
                              1. CD - it has dots and depressions on the surface that are read as either a 0 or a 1 by a red laser. It has a small capacity so is normally used to store smaller files like music files
                              2. Solid state
                                1. memory stick - you are able to save or copy files onto the memory stick
                                  1. SD Card - rows of small memory chips work together to store data
                                  2. Magnetic
                                    1. Magnetic Tape - can be used for backing up servers due to the high capacity, durability and fairly low cost per GB
                                      1. Magnetic disc - stores and retrieves data using disks with magnetic spots that a needle picks up
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