Data Spider diagram


Luke Antrobus
Mind Map by Luke Antrobus, updated more than 1 year ago
Luke Antrobus
Created by Luke Antrobus about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Data Spider diagram
  1. Binary
    1. Unsigned Integers
      1. Numbers that aren't negative
      2. Sign magnitude
        1. Two's compliment
          1. Swap them, add 1.
          2. Binary Arithmetic
            1. Arithmetic shift. Move to the left it doubles, to the right it halves.
            2. Overflow is where it shifts to the left and data is lost and it can miscalculate
            3. Hex (Not designed for computers, used for people to read big numbers easily)
              1. Conversion
                1. Goes from 0 to F because each digit of Hex is representing 1 nibble.
                2. Characters (Any single character) Data on some programme languages, not Python.
                  1. ASCII
                    1. Unicode (Character sets)
                    2. Images (Made up of Pixels)
                      1. Bit Depth (Colour Depth)
                        1. Resolution (A x B)
                          1. Calculating File Size
                            1. (Res A x Res B x Bit Depth) / 8(Bytes) x 1024(KB)
                          2. Sound (Analogue)
                            1. Sampling frequency
                              1. Resolution
                                1. Bits per sample or bit depth
                                2. Frequency x Bit Depth x Channels x Length = File Size
                                3. Data Units
                                  1. Data capacity, Bit, Nibble, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte
                                  2. Compression
                                    1. Lossy
                                      1. Lossy compression is when you compress a file but lose detail
                                      2. Lossless is the same as lossy but you don't lose quality
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