Uneven Development


Mind Map on Uneven Development, created by Sophie Hogan on 29/09/2017.
Sophie  Hogan
Mind Map by Sophie Hogan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie  Hogan
Created by Sophie Hogan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Uneven Development
  1. Levels of development
    1. Wealth
      1. More deveoped countries have more imcome than those in less deveoped countries.
      2. Health
        1. Better healthcare means that people inmore deveoped countries live longer tthan tthose in less deveoped countries.
        2. Education
          1. People in more deveoped countries tend to be more educated than those in poorer countries.
        3. Low Income Developing Countries (LIDC's)
          1. The poorest countries
            1. Low standard of living and very low GNI per capita.
              1. Economy based on primary industry and dont export many goods.
                1. Not much money to spend on development so their developement levels stay low.
                  1. Examples; Afghanistan, Somalia, Mal ad Nepal.
                  2. Advance Countries (AC's)
                    1. Wealthiest countries.
                      1. GNI per capita and standard of living is high.
                        1. Economy is tertiary and quaternary industry.
                          1. Have alot of money to spend on improving education, transport and health care.
                            1. Example; UK, USA, France, Canada and Australia.
                            2. Emerging and Developing Countries (EDC's)
                              1. Getting richer.
                                1. Econmy is primary industry moving to secondary indusrtry.
                                  1. Exports and increasing wages; more money to spend on development so amnt factors are improving.
                                    1. Example; China, Brazil, Russia and India.
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