Codes and Conventions of R&B/Soul Music Videos


Codes and Conventions of R&B/Soul Music Videos
George Patient
Mind Map by George Patient, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cerys Bradley
Created by Cerys Bradley over 7 years ago
George Patient
Copied by George Patient almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Codes and Conventions of R&B/Soul Music Videos
  1. Males
    1. Seen topless in R&B music videos to appeal to female audiences.
      1. Men in R&B music videos wear very fashionable clothing, for example, designer trainers/sneakers.
        1. Male R&B artists also wear jewellery. This is low key in comparison to the hip/hop genre.
        2. Females
          1. Females in R&B music video are often wearing minimal clothing in order to attract a male audience.
            1. Females in R&B music videos conventionally have flawless hair and make up to satisfy the male gaze.
              1. Females also wear accessories such as high heeles shoes and lots of jewellery.
                1. High heels are worn to elongate the legs to make women look taller.
                  1. Jewellery may be worn to display a certain level of class and sophistication.
              2. The race nature and themes of the videos means that they are primarily aimed at the younger generation.
                1. Many R&B music videos are extremely sexualised and are in a grey tone which adds to a mysterious and sexual atmosphere of the videos. Similar to that of the song I have chosen.
                2. Slow R&B Songs
                  1. Slow R&B song will often be in grey scale to convey a dull/miserable tone. Moreover it may be used to demonstrate class.
                    1. Slow R&B songs often follow narrative, which results in the video containing footage of couples kissing which adds to the depiction of sexuality.
                      1. Shots will be of a slow and long duration to match the tempo of the song. The use of close ups may be used to convey emotional intensity.
                      2. Songs about love or breaking up will mosy likely be set in a location where it is very bare and the amount of objects in the setting is minimal.
                        1. Helping to convey the artistes significance.
                          1. An artists make up and clothes will also be very natural and nude coloured to convey a sense of natural beauty.
                        2. Fast R&B Songs
                          1. Fast songs will consist of bright colours, fast editing and potentially a distorted narrative.
                            1. Fast paced short cuts will be edited together to make the video match the upbeat track. Lots of mid/wide shot will also be used as fast song won't usually be about emotions.
                            2. Music videos for fast R&B songs will involve a lot of choreography.
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