Empires at War; AMSCO Chapter 4


Mind map based off of AMSCO Chapter 4 for AP USH - Empires at War.
Meghan Miraglia
Mind Map by Meghan Miraglia, updated more than 1 year ago
Meghan Miraglia
Created by Meghan Miraglia about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Empires at War; AMSCO Chapter 4
  1. Empires at War
    1. Late 17th century - war breaks out between GB, France, Spain
      1. 1st of series of 4 wars
        1. 74 years (1689-1763)
        2. Winner receives supremacy
      2. The First Three Wars
        1. King William's War: 1689-1697
          1. Queen Anne's War: 1702-1713
            1. King George's War: 1744-1748
        2. Seven Years' War
          1. Fighting began in colonies and spread to Europe.
            1. Britain began realizing the importance of the colonies.
              1. Shipped troops TO North America so didn't have to rely on colonial troops.
            2. Beginning of the War
              1. French provoked the war by building chain of forts along the Ohio River Valley.
                1. The French did so in order to halt the westward growth of colonists.
                2. Governor of VA sent a militia to Ohio.
                  1. Militia was led by George Washington.
                    1. Militia surrendered July 3rd, 1754.
                  2. Albany Plan of Union
                    1. British government called for representatives to meet in Albany in 1754.
                      1. Plan of Union was developed by Ben Franklin
                        1. "Join or Die" political cartoon
                          1. Plan called for an intercolonial government and a recruitment system for troops and taxes.
                          2. Plan failed and was voted down by representatives
                            1. Each colony was too jealous of their own taxation power.
                              1. Possibly voted against out of fear that Britain would overpower them?
                          3. British Victory
                            1. William Pitt focuses on conquering Canada
                              1. Retaking of Louisbourg (1758)
                                1. Surrender of Quebec (1759)
                                  1. Taking of Montreal (1760)
                              2. Peace of Paris: 1763
                                1. France is effectively wiped off of North America
                                  1. Britain has extended control of NA.
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