44. Sustained Attention Lasts About 10 Minutes


Mind Map on 44. Sustained Attention Lasts About 10 Minutes, created by Joseph Cohn on 11/10/2017.
Joseph Cohn
Mind Map by Joseph Cohn, updated more than 1 year ago
Joseph Cohn
Created by Joseph Cohn almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

44. Sustained Attention Lasts About 10 Minutes
  1. A user will typically view information for around 7 to 10 minutes. While it's wise to keep within that limit, it's ok to go past that if you execute correctly.
    1. Short information = 7 to 10 minutes
      1. Longer information = Longer than 10 minutes
        1. If you have to present information that is longer than the ideal 7 to 10 minutes of attention, introduce breaks or novel information that will give the user a fresh starting spot
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