bulding connections.


year 8 health Mind Map on bulding connections., created by Kailah Williams on 27/05/2013.
Kailah Williams
Mind Map by Kailah Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Kailah Williams
Created by Kailah Williams over 11 years ago

Resource summary

bulding connections.
  1. trust
    1. in every relationship, its a key part in any relation ship if thers no turst then there is no relationship there needs to be turst in every relationship
      1. friendship and trust are the 2 mail key parts in any relationship beasue if there is no trust there if a bad and verry eaysyly broken friendship
    2. Friendship
      1. friendship is a relationship between 2 or more peple who home a understanding for one another
        1. friendship is a key part in any relastionship
      2. Identity
        1. the identity is what show who you really are and people will sho there tue coloures and thats there identity.
          1. Identity and friendship
            1. friendship and identity are a big part of each other because with no identity they would all the the same they wouldent be able to be diffrent
        2. working woth others
          1. working with others is important in any relationship because with out any because when u dint work together u fall apart
          2. communication
            1. this is important in a relationship becasue if u dont communicat uyou wont know whats wron with each other
            2. Team work
              1. Team work is the key to any good friendship and any good friendship
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