"He ain't no good to you, Candy. An' he aint' no good to himself. Why'n't you shoot him, Candy?"


so what logic
hussain munawar
Mind Map by hussain munawar, updated more than 1 year ago
hussain munawar
Created by hussain munawar almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

"He ain't no good to you, Candy. An' he aint' no good to himself. Why'n't you shoot him, Candy?"
  1. not his fault
    1. the world is cruel
      1. strong and the weak theme
        1. should Canday let his dog live thought the pain/ is life worth living if you only experience pain
          1. should George let Lennie live thought the pain, by keeping him alive
            1. should George shot lennie
            2. is Candy being greedy if he let his dog live even thought he knows the dog will only feel pain( their was some chinese philosopher I remember but don't know his name) because he real wants his dog to stay.
              1. is George being greedy if he had let Lennie live
              2. linking with male friendships:do the other workers real live without friends or are they dead souls waiting to be collected
                1. should George have shot him self after he killed Lennie because he is his only friend
            3. human nature is cruel.
              1. animal nature is cruel
                1. human and animal parallelism
              2. Carlson understand the Canday's dog will on experience pain for the rest of his life
                1. Canday and the others should have look after him because it is not his fault he is weak.
                  1. can you penalize someone for something they did not know they did wrong
                    1. can you penalize Lennie for being stupid
                2. Canday 's dog is weak
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