Other Treaties


GCSE History-Germany (The Treaty Of Versailles) Mind Map on Other Treaties, created by RashaKay on 29/05/2013.
Mind Map by RashaKay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RashaKay over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Other Treaties
  1. St.Germain 1919
    1. Austria
      1. Separated Austria from Hungary
        1. Stopped Austria joining G
          1. Took land away; Bosnia
            1. Austria to limit army
              1. Created new countries
    2. Sevres 1920
      1. Turkey
        1. Lost land, part of Turkey became new mandate: Syria
          1. Turkey lost control of the black sea
      2. Trinian 1920
        1. Hungary
          1. Took land away; Croatia
            1. Made Hungary reduce it's army
              1. Created new countries
        2. Czechoslovakia+Yugoslavia
          1. Formed out of Austria-Hungary
            1. Suffered badly after war
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