Germany revision


Mind Map on Germany revision, created by Hannah French on 22/11/2017.
Hannah French
Mind Map by Hannah French, updated more than 1 year ago
Hannah French
Created by Hannah French almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Germany revision
  1. Nazi families
    1. Aryan family
      1. Blond with blue eyes
      2. Fathers would provide for their family
        1. Mothers would look after the children and do all the housework and the cooking
          1. Girls would look up at their mother and will help their mother with the cooking and the cleaning because when they are older they will need to the same thing as their mother
          2. Boys would be a member of the Hitler youth to prepare for being in the war when they are older
          3. Wall street crash
            1. America stopped sending money to Germany and recalls loan
              1. All of the Germans businesses closed
                1. 6.5 million people unemployed
                  1. 17 million people were on benefits
                    1. German men felt depressed as they felt like the government wasn't doing anything to help them
                      1. People flocked to Nazi party and the communists because the regular government failed
            2. Hitler's speeches
              1. Energetic
                1. powerful
                  1. gave Germans senses of pride
              2. Hitler offered work
                1. He offered pride
                  1. he offered a change for thhe weak leaders of Weimar Germany
                2. Hitler promised food work and pride
                  1. Properganda appealed to unemployed that are on the dole and soldiers and nationolists
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