

psy HumanDesign (Gates) Mind Map on Gate28, created by 孝宇 張 on 23/11/2017.
孝宇 張
Mind Map by 孝宇 張, updated more than 1 year ago
孝宇 張
Created by 孝宇 張 about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. definition
    1. Structure
      1. Individual
        1. all individual gates are melancholy
          1. 突變
          2. 影響激勵他人
          3. channel of struggle Design of Stubbornness 38
            1. struggle
              1. This is the whole nature of struggle. It is all about winning and losing.
                1. 生命的價值 堅持
              2. Risk taking
                1. 與32 雷同,只是 change that has to be endured in the 32 is tribal. It is all about support
              3. Splenic Center
                1. Awareness
                  1. it's potential is the awareness to struggle or not
                    1. The awareness potential is the stubbornness to listen, to make sure that one listens so that one can take the best possible risks.
                      1. It is all about change and evolution. It is an ongoing process. The transitoriness of power and influence is what the Preponderance of the Great is all about.
                        1. 關乎於改變及演化,它是一種持續的過程。 短暫的力量及影響-大過
                        2. 這種覺察力,是一種頑固的能量,用以傾聽自己 確保我們得以不斷傾聽自己,以躍身最值得放手一伯的事物
                        3. 提供我們一種潛能,得以覺察是否該續續爭扎下去
                      2. fear
                        1. fear of death
                          1. fear of whether or not life is of value
                            1. afraid that their way in this life will be a failure. That is, that they themselves, their lives and what they live for is not really worthwhile.
                              1. 害怕我們今生所走的路是錯的,害怕今生活的沒有價值
                    2. 為發現存在價值的爭扎及適時的縱身一躍
                    3. 28.1 Preparation
                      1. destructure
                        1. introspective - looking inward
                          1. set the foundation of risk taking
                            1. This is all about preparation. Make sure that you have the detail before you take the risk.
                              1. 在冒險前,看清所有細節
                                  1. 這人有風險的課題
                                    1. 導致人太頑固,或因太頑固所以有28
                                      1. 害怕生命沒有價值,所以小心評估
                                        1. 不要冒然躍進?
                                          1. 1)改變的過渡期 2)痛苦逼人改變
                                          2. 為了克服困難,不被struglgle
                                            1. 無論代價,就想賭一把
                                              1. 為了從爭扎中學習而帶給他人力量
                                                1. 1)改變的過渡期 2)痛苦逼人改變
                                            2. 最終回到勝敗的意義是什麼 生命的價值是什麼,存在的價值是什麼
                                          3. focused on the odds of risk taking - prepare
                                            1. 無論最後行不行動,關 注細節的本身就是 這爻的目的
                                              1. The foundation is: you better have the detail.
                                          4. Mars Exalted
                                            1. The desire to be effective manifested in the application of energy to detail.
                                              1. The intuition to potentially apply energy to detail
                                                1. 潛在的直覺能力,以將精力用在看清所有細節上
                                                2. 渴望有效的彰顯能量,以用於覺察各種細節,作為風險前的準備
                                              2. Venus Detriment
                                                1. The aesthetic appreciation of planning that may have no real application. In other words, wonderful detail but nowhere to go.
                                                  1. An intuition for detail without the potential for application. It is all about being prepared.
                                                    1. 有細節的直覺,但無法有效應用,單單只是為了準備
                                                    2. 細結規劃的很詳盡,但無法有效運用
                                                2. 採取冒險行為的準備期
                                                3. 28.2 Shaking hands with the Devil
                                                  1. destructure
                                                    1. 個人慾求(mars)
                                                      1. 以 28 賭一把為手段,1爻是準備,2沒基礎沒detail 以評估風險率 二爻賭一把,因為它想win
                                                        1. ‘Shaking hands with the devil.’ You are only interested in winning.
                                                          1. This line is about Distasteful alliance.
                                                            1. only interests in wining
                                                      2. 投射
                                                        1. "I have to win. If I do not win and if I can’t take a risk and gamble, life is not worthwhile."
                                                          1. 個體迴路 - melancholy 再加上 depression
                                                          2. Sun Exalted
                                                            1. A means, however unsavory, that is justified by is end.
                                                              1. When the game turns to a struggle, the intuitive acceptance of any alliance in order to win.
                                                                  1. 當陷入困頓時,直覺上接受任何聯盟,就為了不失敗
                                                                    1. 2向來都有跨 道德世俗邊界
                                                                    2. 就算手段令人不適,但最終皆會被合理化
                                                                  2. Jupiter Exalted
                                                                    1. The anxiety engendered by sacrificing higher principles when there is no guarantee of success.
                                                                      1. The risk in sacrificing principles when there is no guarantee of victory.
                                                                        1. win/lose是他們的學習歷程 投射出想銀以幫助自己最終看清:勝 敗都只是想要尋求 生命價值的幻覺
                                                                          1. 不知道什麼值得勝敗
                                                                            1. 這跟60.2很像 一樣不知道限制 的意義是什麼
                                                                          2. 犧生原則是有風險的
                                                                          3. 當成功不明確時,犧牲最高原則將引發焦慮
                                                                      2. 將生命的風險與魔鬼作交易
                                                                      3. 28.3 Adventurism
                                                                        1. destructure
                                                                          1. adapt - trial and error
                                                                            1. firtst time 28 to full fill risk taking
                                                                              1. Unfounded risk taking.
                                                                                1. Saturn Exalted
                                                                                  1. A basic conservatism that even in its adventurous acts is necessarily prudent.
                                                                                    1. An intuitive caution in risk-taking in times of struggle
                                                                                      1. 重要的是這是個體化的實現過程
                                                                                        1. 困頓期間,以警示性直覺,決定是否冒險。
                                                                                        2. 基本的保守主義者,即便採取冒險行為也必須僅慎。
                                                                                      2. Jupiter Exalted
                                                                                        1. Here a perverse manifestation of Jupiter’s expansiveness, where risk taking is rationalized and failure ensured.
                                                                                          1. 少了detail 多了 投射面 - 最後不免失敗 而失敗並不是說我們不會勝,而是說即 便我們勝了也不一定會找到人生的價值
                                                                                            1. Intuitive rationalizing of risk-taking in times of struggle.
                                                                                                1. 困頓期間,以合理化的直覺,決定是否冒險。
                                                                                    2. 由12爻得出的結論
                                                                                      1. 不是所有成敗都值得冒險
                                                                                        1. 不會急於投射自己的慾
                                                                                        2. 細節還是很重要
                                                                                          1. 依然具備小心,但不只是準備 會行動
                                                                                            1. 學習不要冒然咷進去, 爭扎的本身就是目的,無論最後 勝敗,只要他們覺得值得就好 因為最後都會被合理化
                                                                                              1. 3爻特質的一部份 —— 合理化
                                                                                      2. 缺乏基礎的冒險主義者
                                                                                      3. 28.4 Holding on
                                                                                        1. destructure
                                                                                          1. single minded externalize 1爻
                                                                                            1. These people hold on to their struggle and nothing can pull them from that. They are very one-track in their struggle.
                                                                                              1. 無論爭扎的是什麼,都必須撐過去
                                                                                                1. 阻礙 誤解 - 憤怒
                                                                                            2. Jupiter Exalted
                                                                                              1. The application of knowledge to exploit opportunities, and usually for the greater good.
                                                                                                1. A depth of intuition at its best in struggle and often of value to others.
                                                                                                  1. 在困頓期間能展現出最佳的直覺深度,以利益他人
                                                                                                    1. 死之前都爭扎著要活出價值(win) 直到他們終於看到了價值,看到此生是值得的
                                                                                                  2. 為了更良善的意圖,應用知識以開拓機會
                                                                                                2. Mercury Detriment
                                                                                                  1. The application of intelligence to hold on, exclusively out of self-interest.
                                                                                                    1. A depth of intuition that is stubbornly selfish in its capacity to hold on.
                                                                                                      1. 不會幫它人
                                                                                                        1. 困頓其間的直覺深度,自私頑固的使其堅持不懈
                                                                                                        2. 為了自己的私慾,應用小聰明堅持不懈
                                                                                                  2. 28.5 Treachery
                                                                                                    1. destructure
                                                                                                      1. universalize and projection
                                                                                                        1. 外化困頓
                                                                                                          1. 以挑釁的方式
                                                                                                            1. get other people to struggle in order to find out for themselves that life is worthwhile.
                                                                                                            2. 以探詢的方式
                                                                                                              1. Somebody with the 28.5 and they are probing somebody else with, "Is your life really worthwhile. Are you really doing what you want to do?"
                                                                                                                1. Pluto Exalted
                                                                                                                  1. The abuse of trust. The manipulation of the collective, that, while pitting one faction against the other, does not directly support or reject either.
                                                                                                                  2. Sun in Detriment
                                                                                                                    1. The breaking of alliances with trusted forces to align with more powerful forces, and the attendant destabilization of the whole.
                                                                                                                      1. osho story 跟隨者 背叛
                                                                                                                      2. 不斷在尋找生命有價值的事,不斷的 冒險尋求一個又一個的換 而將本來的困頓拋在腦後 他們很清楚沒有止盡
                                                                                                                2. fear of death worthiness of life
                                                                                                                    1. not for winning or losing
                                                                                                                      1. 散播死亡焦慮及生命的無意義 以確保每個人都能為之爭扎
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