Topic 2: Introduction to Physical Agents (SCL)


- Electrotherapy I Mind Map on Topic 2: Introduction to Physical Agents (SCL), created by natalia m zameri on 28/11/2017.
natalia m zameri
Mind Map by natalia m zameri, updated more than 1 year ago
natalia m zameri
Created by natalia m zameri over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Topic 2: Introduction to Physical Agents (SCL)
  1. Modes of Transfer
    1. Why & How
      1. Metabolic Effects
        1. Hemodynamics Effects
          1. Heat
            1. Cold
            2. Neuromuscular Effects
              1. Ms Contraction
                1. Spasticity
                  1. Pain
                    1. Nerve Conduction
                  2. Who
                    1. Risks
                      1. Contraindications
                        1. Heat
                          1. Cold
                          2. Precautions
                            1. Heat
                              1. Cold
                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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