

Biology Mind Map on Diet, created by Shravani Chingre on 05/12/2017.
Shravani Chingre
Mind Map by Shravani Chingre, updated more than 1 year ago
Shravani Chingre
Created by Shravani Chingre almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. State what is meant by the term balanced diet for humans
    1. aprropiate amount to each food group for the lifestyle.
    2. List the principal sources of, and describe the dietary importance of:
      1. Carbohydrates: Source of short-term energy release.E.g. pasta rice
        1. Protein: Growth and repair of cells. E.g. meat and fish(enzymes, made up of amino acids held together by peptide bonds)
          1. Minerals: Keeps you healthy. E.g. calcium helps your bones get stronger
            1. Water: Keeps you hydrated
              1. Fats: shorts term energy,keeps you warm
                1. Vitamins:Keep you healthy.Eg victims D helps prevent Rickets in children.
                  1. Fibre: helps you with digestion to avid constipation.
                  2. Explain how age, gender and activity affect the dietary needs of humans including during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding
                    1. Age: Babys need more carbohydrate,vitamins,minerals(calcium) compared to adults
                      1. Gender: Woman have periods so they need more iron to replace the red blood cells lost during their menstrual cycle. Male has higher metabolic(rate of which chemical reaction happen in the body) rate, more carbohydrate.
                        1. Activity: Physical work needs more food types like carbohydrates for short-term energy release. They need to drink more water to replace the water lost/keep hydrated.They need proteins fro growth and repair of muscles.
                          1. Pregnancy: Women gain mass, therefore more energy, more food like vitamins for the healthy development of the fetus. Minerals(folic acid, calcium and iron)The Iron used to make more blood cells to carry around oxygen.
                          2. Describe the effects of malnutrition in relation to starvation, constipation, coronary heart disease, obesity and scurvy
                            1. Starvation: You can die, starve to death.
                              1. Constipation: One can die from digesting problems .
                                1. Coronary Heart disease: When your arteries get blocked and you can die. It happens mostly to the people who are obese.
                                  1. Obesity
                                    1. Scurvy : one does not get enough citrus acid,one can die from suffering from this disease
                                    2. Explain the causes and effects of vitamin D and iron deficiencies
                                      1. Causes: Do not eat enough food with iron and don not go out in the sun which is a great source of vitamin D
                                        1. Effects: Rickets, Knock knee,bow-shaped legs and weak bones
                                        2. Explain the causes and effects of protein energy malnutrition, e.g. kwashiorkor and marasmus
                                          1. Kwashiorkor: Gives you a big belly as a symptom and if it continues it can lead to death.
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