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Mind map of for Chapter 10: Project Communication Management, based on the book by Kathy Schwalbe
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Mind Map by
Adam Clark
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 8 years ago
Copied by
Adam Clark
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
Senior & Vulnerable Investors
1. Planning communications management
A communication managements plan is a document that guids project communications.
1. Stakeholder communication requirements
8. A glossary of common terminology
2. Information to be communicated, including format, content, and level of detail
3. Who will receive the information and who will produce it
4. Suggested methods or technologies for conveying the information
5. Frequency of Information
6. Escalation procedures for updating the communications management plan
7. Revision procedures for resolving issues
2. Managing communications management
Using a project management information system, you can create and organize project documents, schedules, meeting minutes, and customer requests
Project managers must determine the best way to create and distribute the information.
Reporting Performance
Keeps stakeholders informed about how resources are being used to achieve project objectives
Two types of reports
progress reports
describe what the project team has accomplished during a certain period
Status review meetings
3. Controlling communictions management
Goal: to ensure the optimal flow of information throughout the entire project life cycle.
It is often beneficial to have a facilitator from outside the project team assess how well communications are working.
1. Project management plan
2. Project communications
3. Issue logs
4. Work performance data
5. Organizational process assets
Goal: To ensure timely and appropriate gneration, collection, dissemination, storage and disposition of project information.
Keys to good communication
Focusing on Group and Individual Communication Needs
Formal and Informal Methods for Communicating
Distributing Important Information in an Effective and Timely Manner
Setting the Stage for Communicating Bad News
Suggestions for Improving Project Communications
Developing Better Communication Skills
Running Effective Meetings
8 Guidelines to do so
Determine if a meeting can be avoided
Define the purpose and intended outcome of the meeting
Determine who should be attending the meeting
Provide an agenda to the participants before the meeeting
Prepare handouts and visual aids, and make logistical arrangements ahead of time
Run the meeting professionally
Set the ground rules for the meeting
Build relationships
Using E-mail, Instant Messaging, Texting, and Collaborative Tools Effectively
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