Forecast: finance and communication, services, oil, gas.
Financial Flows
Most Globalised Feature
FOREX turnover $4Trillion, 2011.
Deregulation 70's/80's
Speculators create excessive volability
The International and Regional Business Cycle
63% of changes in level of output in Aust. linked to changes of interest rates, growth and inflation of G7
Factors weakening the international business cycle: interest rates, fiscal policies, exchange rates, structural factors, regional factors.
Factors strengthening the international business cycle: Trade flows, Investment flows, TNCs, financial flows, financial market and confidence, global interest rates, commodity prices, international organisations.
Cross-border integration
regional economies are integrates
USA, Canada, Mexico
East Asia, Australia
Trade, Financial Flows and Foreign Investment
Basis of Free Trade
No Barriers
Comparitive advantage
Opportunity Cost
Obtain G&S unable to produce
specialise in G&S=> better Allocation of resources
Economies of scale => decreased average cost
international Competitiveness
Higher Global Standard of Living
Encourage Innovation
^ in short term unemployment due to domestic firms not being able to compete
Infant Industries Suffer
'Dumping' of products on domestic markerts
environmental costs due to irresponsible production to reduce costs
Influence of Government Forums
60% GWP, 14% world pop.
consists of largest industrialised Nations
Losing power due to China
80% of GWP, 2/3 world Pop.
Since GFC, emerged as leading forum for coordinating Global Response to avoid recession
Role Of International Organisations
34 members
committed to democracy & Market economy
^ standard of living, ^ employment. ^ sustainable growth
Conduct & publish research on a wide range of economic policy issues, coordinating economic cooperation among member nations
World Bank
provide assistance to poorer countries with their economic development
Millenium Development Goals
Act as a leader in times of need
United Nations
193 members
Broad range agenda': international security, Environment, Poverty and Development, International Law, Global health Issues
Maintain international financial stability, particular in FOREX Markets
188 members
Before Deregulation, oversaw fixed exchange rates
helps minimus effects of recessions
> stimulus packages
When helping economies, they must change policies in accordance with IMF, or Structural Adjustment Policies
1990's AFC, IMF forced Asian Countries to use contractionary macro policies
This caused structural issues in other countries
Free up Global Trade by removing barriers, & to solve disputes between nations
Has power to enforce trade agreements
155 nations
Doha Round:
> reducing average protection
> Lowering tariffs on manufactured goods
> reducing trade restrictions, services
Complete abolition of aggregate export subsidies
giving 50 poorest members tariff and quote free access to high income nations for at least 97% of goods.