Technology Essential Learnings


ED1441 Mind Map on Technology Essential Learnings, created by Emma Watt on 02/06/2013.
Emma Watt
Mind Map by Emma Watt, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Watt
Created by Emma Watt over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Technology Essential Learnings
  1. What are they?
    1. The ELs identify what should be taught and what is important for students to have opportunities to know, understand and be able to do. Components of the ELs are 1. Learning and assessment focused 2. Ways of Workings 3. Knowledge and understandings
      1. How are they organised?
        1. Students demonstrate evidence of learning over time in relation to: 1. Knowledge and Understanding 2. Investigating and Designing 3. Producing 4. Evaluating 5. Reflecting
    2. What should they know?
      1. Technology ELs are explored through Ways of Working to develop Knowledge and Understanding. By end of Yr 3: Students use their imagination and creativity to make sense of the designed world as they investigate products used in everyday situations and identify how these meet needs and wants. (See word doc for all Year levels)
      2. For Students
        1. Technology as tools
          1. Students use technologies to engage with learning situations and • Develop an understanding of the link between technology use and learning outcomes, how different technologies influence the product and the learning. • See the place of technology in peoples work and everyday community life
          2. Technology as a subject
            1. Students explore how technologies have impacted on local and national communities. They investigate and gain knowledge of: • Technology as a human endeavor • Information, materials and systems (resources)
              1. Assessed by
                1. Ways of Working- Students ACQUIRE Essential Learnings using the essential processes of Ways of Working with and exploring technologies. Students who undertake Ways of Working are able to: • Identify, generate and communicate • Select, plan and sequence • Make, evaluate and reflect Students can DEMONSTRATE aspects of knowledge and understanding of technology through multiple Ways of Working with, and exploring technologies. Students develop Ways of Working to explore: • Design purpose, design ideas and design features • Information, materials and systems (resources) • Make (manufacture), evaluate and reflect
                  1. Knowledge and Understanding • Students gain knowledge and understanding of technology as a human endeavour as well as information, materials and systems (resources). • Students build knowledge and understanding of technology as part of their everyday lives by investigating familiar technologies such as toys, games, sports equipment, shopping and banking facilities. • Students build knowledge and understanding of the relationship between the characteristics of products, their purpose and context. Technology Essential Learnings are accessed through Ways of Working to develop students’ Knowledge and Understanding. Technology Essential Learnings are assessed using five elements: • Knowledge and Understanding • Investigating and Designing • Producing • Evaluating • Reflecting
            2. Technology For Teachers
              1. Teachers help students identify a range of technologies that are familiar to them in their daily lives. Technologies are both curriculum content (technology as subject) and learning tools (technology as tool).
                1. Teacher use technologies to
                  1. • Support an array of teaching strategies to engage students in learning • Develop an array of teaching strategies to improve students’ learning outcomes • Explore and reflect on the impact of technology in their community
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