Stalin's Grip on Power


A Levels History MW (Russia) Mind Map on Stalin's Grip on Power, created by Fro Ninja on 03/06/2013.
Fro Ninja
Mind Map by Fro Ninja, updated more than 1 year ago
Fro Ninja
Created by Fro Ninja over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Stalin's Grip on Power
  1. Sergei Kirov Murdered
    1. Staged by Stalin
      1. Used as excuse for Purges
        1. Ally to Stalin
        2. The Purges
          1. Imprisonments and Arrests
            1. Political Figures
              1. Zinoviev
                1. Kamenev
                  1. Bukharin
                  2. Army Officers
                    1. Opponents
                      1. Carried out by NKVD
                        1. Army Weakened
                          1. USSR without skilled or educated
                            1. Stalin's Insercurity
                            2. Constitution
                              1. 1936
                                1. Votes for members of Supreme Soviet
                                  1. No real Power
                                    1. Duma repeat
                                    2. Cult of Personality
                                      1. Propaganda
                                        1. Stalin face on all
                                          1. Seemed God-Like
                                            1. Form of Indoctrination
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                                            3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                            6. New Economic Policy (NEP)
                                            5. War Communism
                                            2. The February Revolution
                                            4. Civil War
                                            Russian Revolution
                                            Lydia Klein
                                            Russia Pre-1914
                                            Kelsie Drown
                                            Alexander III Reform and Consequences
                                            Kelsie Drown
                                            From Tsardom to communism- Russia
                                            1928-1942 Industrialisation and the 5 year plans
                                            Joanna van Dyk
                                            Collectivisation of Agriculture
                                            Zoe Emmett