1.1 - Global patterns of food consumption


A-level Geography G3 (Food) Mind Map on 1.1 - Global patterns of food consumption, created by RoryFlynn2 on 03/06/2013.
Mind Map by RoryFlynn2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RoryFlynn2 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

1.1 - Global patterns of food consumption
  1. Higher income, urbanisation, demographic shifts, improved transportation and consumer perceptions regarding safety and quality mean global food consumption is changing
    1. Changes in food consumption = more trade and changes in composition of world agriculture trade
    2. Prices between developed and developing countries varies
      1. As developing countries get higher income
        1. Meat demand increases
          1. Increased import of livestock feed
          2. Diet diversification + higher demand for better quality labour saving products
            1. Increased imports of high value processed food products
          3. Consumer groups in developed countries brought animal welfare and organic production of food to attention
            1. As a result, public and private sectors now have mandatory quality control, management and assurance schemes (However don't always work)
            2. Fasted growing sector of food trade is process consumer goods
              1. Pastry, prepared foods and chocolate have grown in world trade by nearly 10% per year over past 15yrs
                1. Accounts for more than $15 billion in world trade - exceeds world wheat trade
                  1. Wheat, corn, coffee and cocoa beans account for most trade in bulk commodities
              2. Per capita consumption of coffee, milk, eggs and red meat has declined significantly during past 30 yrs
                1. Consumption of cheese, soft drinks, poultry increased
                2. Ability to buy food is a primary factor in GFC
                  1. Consumers in high-income countries such as US spend large share of food budget on meat
                    1. Low income such as Kenya - cereal is more predominant
                      1. As income levels rise - more diverse diet
                      2. Better trade and transport improved food availability and quality
                        1. Lifestyle changes relating to urbanisation change
                          1. 2030 - 6/10 people will live in an urban area
                            1. Fast paced more affluent dual income households
                              1. Higher value more processed food with smaller prep time
                          2. Once basic needs are met demand for good quality increases
                            1. Increased hugely in developed countries in recent yrs as consumers develop a conscience and media scrutiny highlights issues
                              1. Led to many more organic products available in supermarkets
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