

Rebellion mind map pertaining to adolescents
Melissa D Atkinson
Mind Map by Melissa D Atkinson, updated more than 1 year ago
Melissa D Atkinson
Created by Melissa D Atkinson about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Thoughts
    1. Self-Sufficiency, Non-conformity, and Non-compliance
      1. Thoughts of invincibility and self-reliance, refusing help and advice from authority.
        1. After this stage, I began to realize I needed to rely on God and accept advice and encouragement from other Christian brothers and sisters Proverbs 3:5, Romans 12:2).
    2. Feelings
      1. Rejection, Anger, & Bitterness
        1. Feelings of rejection, anger, and bitterness were stemmed from a conflict with parents, racism, and Christianity.
          1. These feelings isolated me God and others but The Word helped me to understand Gods plan and love for me. His Word assisted in healing and overcoming these lies of the enemy (John 3:16, John 15:9-17).
      2. Behavior
        1. Isolation from God, Inappropriate Relationships, & Destructive (Drug and Alcohol use
          1. Behavior was unlawful, destructive, and not in line with God's Word.
            1. This behavior caused several adverse issues in my life but with the Lord's assistance I was able to change my thought pattern and understand my behavior was not God's will or purpose for my life (Philippians 4:8, 2 Timothy 1:7).
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