Academy - Avant garde themes


Bachelors Degree Visual Arts Mind Map on Academy - Avant garde themes, created by kate.barnard on 04/06/2013.
Mind Map by kate.barnard, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kate.barnard over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Academy - Avant garde themes
  1. Concept of art
    1. Sacral
      1. medieval boosted by Catholic reformation in mid C16th
        1. declined by C17th
          1. Caravaggio
        2. Courtly
          1. increasingly prevailed by 1600
            1. social classes
              1. Louis IVX Versailles
            2. Bourgeois
              1. Marxist concept
                1. Social/economic change
                2. Affordable art
                  1. Dutch easle
                    1. Hogarth engravings
                    2. Instruct and delight
                      1. Autonomous
                        1. Aesthetic experience
                          1. Baumgarten
                    3. Approaches to art history
                      1. Style
                        1. does not consider context
                          1. applied retrospectively
                            1. connotations
                              1. e.g. Rococco - frivolous
                            2. Wollflin
                            3. Iconographic
                              1. Social history of art
                              2. Structures
                                1. Patronage
                                  1. Open market
                                    1. Commercial structures
                                  2. Dominance of classicism
                                    1. C17th & C18th
                                      1. Dominant in architecture
                                        1. Academies
                                          1. True taste/Great style
                                            1. social classes
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