Colon Cancer


Mind Map on Colon Cancer, created by Eslam Ebrahim on 18/02/2018.
Eslam Ebrahim
Mind Map by Eslam Ebrahim, updated more than 1 year ago
Eslam Ebrahim
Created by Eslam Ebrahim about 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Colon Cancer
  1. Definition
    1. cancer of the large intestine (colon), which is the final part of your digestive tract
      1. starts as
        1. adenomatous polyps
    2. Pathophysiology
      1. Warning signs
        1. Constipation
          1. unsatisfactory defecation
          2. Diarrhea
            1. frequent and liquid bowel movements
            2. Blood in stool
              1. Narrow stool
                1. Unexplained anemia
                  1. Abdominal pain
                    1. Unexplained weight loss
                        1. Fatigue and weakness
                          1. Causes
                            1. anemia
                              1. COPD
                                1. chronic fatigue syndrome
                                  1. Stress
                              2. Types
                                1. Rectosigmoid (50% )
                                  1. Ascending colon (15%
                                    1. Descending colon (15%
                                      1. Transverse colon and cecum (each 10%
                                      2. Staging
                                        1. TMN
                                        2. Anatomy of colon
                                            1. investigations
                                              1. Barium enema
                                                1. CT scan
                                                  1. Colonoscopy
                                                    1. CEA
                                                      1. Biopsy
                                                      2. Treatment
                                                        1. Chemotherapy
                                                          1. Antimetabolite
                                                            1. Oxaliplatin
                                                              1. Topotecan
                                                              2. Surgery
                                                                1. hemicolectomy
                                                                2. Prognosis
                                                                  1. Stages 0, I, II, and III are often curable with surgery.
                                                                    1. follow-up
                                                                      1. physical examinations
                                                                        1. CEA tests
                                                                    2. Epidemiology
                                                                      1. psychology
                                                                        1. Psycho‐oncology
                                                                          1. psychosocial aspects of prevention, etiology, diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation of cancer
                                                                          2. coping strategies
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