OW sports ;)


Mind Map on OW sports ;), created by owilcox912 on 05/09/2014.
Mind Map by owilcox912, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by owilcox912 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

OW sports ;)
  1. Communication
    1. tv adverts
      1. raidio adverts
        1. different types of advertisement
        2. tannoy
          1. raidios for staff
            1. websites
            2. premisis
              1. 7 floors
                1. 3 lift
                  1. elervater
                    1. stairs
                    2. technology
                      1. security
                        1. cameras
                          1. alarms that will be herd from miles away
                            1. cctv recorder
                              1. tasers body builders on every floor
                              2. computers
                                1. stock control rooms
                                  1. sending emails
                                  2. products
                                    1. clothing
                                      1. all the sports gear
                                        1. football shirts
                                          1. thermals
                                            1. tracksuits
                                            2. footwear
                                              1. football boots
                                                1. trainers
                                                  1. smart shoes
                                                    1. running shoes
                                                    2. football pitches on top floor
                                                      1. pay footballers to play for me
                                                        1. mini stadium
                                                          1. kids football tourdermounts
                                                          2. sortware
                                                            1. google chrome
                                                              1. microsoft publisher
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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