Hazards and Tectonics


Revision map for GCSE Geography on Tectonics and Hazards
Holly Bright
Mind Map by Holly Bright, updated more than 1 year ago
Holly Bright
Created by Holly Bright over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Hazards and Tectonics
  1. Hazards
    1. Atmospheric (weather)
      1. Flooding
        1. Tornados
          1. Wind
            1. Hurricanes
            2. Geological hazards (earth)
              1. Volcanoes
                1. Earthquake
                  1. Tsunami
                2. Tectonic
                  1. plate margins
                    1. constructive
                      1. shield volcanoes
                        1. Thin Lava
                        2. Small Earthquakes
                          1. Mid Atlantic Ridge
                        3. Conservitive
                          1. San Andreas Fault
                            1. Really bad Earthquakes
                              1. No Volcanoes
                                1. No magma can get out
                              2. Destructive
                                1. oceanic plate subducted
                                  1. Big Earthquakes
                                    1. Composite Volcanoes
                                      1. Very Violent
                                        1. Thick Lava
                                    2. 3P's
                                      1. prediction
                                        1. NOT RELIABLE
                                          1. Japan
                                            1. predicted within 90secs
                                              1. Used tremors
                                              2. Slow down bullet trains
                                              3. Can predict where
                                                1. Not when
                                                  1. Istanbul, turkey
                                                2. Protection
                                                  1. Create earthquake resistant Buildings
                                                    1. Construct Tsunami Walls
                                                      1. regular earthquake drills
                                                        1. The great California Shake Out
                                                          1. raises awareness of problems
                                                      2. Planning
                                                        1. Maps used to show
                                                          1. areas at risk
                                                            1. Evacuation Zones
                                                              1. Hospitals
                                                          2. Earthquakes happen on all plate boundaries
                                                            1. volcanoes mostly found here
                                                              1. Found in bands
                                                                1. Asia
                                                                  1. Pacific Ocean (Hawaii)
                                                              2. Crusts
                                                                1. Oceanic
                                                                  1. Thin
                                                                    1. Dense
                                                                      1. Younger
                                                                      2. Continental
                                                                        1. Thick
                                                                          1. Less dense
                                                                            1. Older
                                                                              1. Cork
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