Irish Troubles


Mind Map on Irish Troubles, created by Laura Rossi on 06/03/2018.
Laura Rossi
Mind Map by Laura Rossi, updated more than 1 year ago
Laura Rossi
Created by Laura Rossi almost 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Irish Troubles
  1. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom
    1. The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast
    2. Scottish and English were given land confiscated by the English Crown from the native Irish in 1609
      1. The Act of Union (1801) abolished Irish Parliament and incorporated Ireland into the United Kingdom
      2. The Government of Ireland Act 1920 divided Ireland into two separate jurisdictions Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland
        1. Unionists/loyalists, who are mostly Protestants and have British nationality want Northern Ireland to remain within the United Kingdom.
          1. Irish nationalists/republicans, who are mostly Catholics, want Northern Ireland to leave the UK and join a united Ireland.
            1. During the Irish Troubles from the late 1960s to the Good Friday Agreement (1998) more than 3,500 people were killed, mostly civilians.
          2. The Troubles were brought to an uneasy end by a peace process that included
            1. the declaration of ceasefires by paramilitary organisations
              1. the withdrawal of the British Army from the streets
                1. complete elimination of Irish Republican Army-IRA's weapons
                  1. the reform of the police
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