Structuration Theory and Life World and Systems


Mind Map on Structuration Theory and Life World and Systems, created by Sarah Mather on 10/06/2013.
Sarah Mather
Mind Map by Sarah Mather, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Mather
Created by Sarah Mather over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Structuration Theory and Life World and Systems
  1. Giddens (1976) proposed this theory as an alternative to overcome the issues concerning structural and social action theories.
    1. This is based on a number of assumptions:
      1. People are knowledgeable about the social world, sociology is NOT a natural science and there are no laws of social life, people are NOT puppets of external forces and have motivations, people create/reproduce existing social practises everyday and social structure consists of rules and resources.
        1. Structure and action are socially connected which is called the 'duality of structure'.
        2. Rules and Resources
          1. Rules exist in different forms and resources can be material i.e. wealth or non-material e.g. social status
          2. How people respond
            1. rules and resources do NOT exist externally to people. However, they exist internally. Giddens redefined social structure as a set of rules and resources which people draw on
              1. However, this underestimates external social concepts such as patriarchy and alienation.
            2. Habermas (1987) analysed the work of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Mead in order to create a theory of communicative action. This is based on the achievement of shared understanding.
              1. This can be factuall, normative or subjective
              2. Validity of the Claims
                1. Exist in the 'Life World'/ through cultural knowledge via living in a certain society and acquiring shared assumptions.
                2. He is critical of Modern Societal institutions e.g. government and the legal system.
                  1. However this is a complex debate and one that neglects the role of emotions in certain actions.
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