Culture & Technology


Megan Aldington
Mind Map by Megan Aldington, updated more than 1 year ago
Megan Aldington
Created by Megan Aldington over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Culture & Technology
  1. Anonymity
    1. People can pretend to be people they aren't and gain private information or do something anonymously
      1. Hackers sometimes do this to gain private details
        1. Spammers can send out emails anon. without worrying about complaints
          1. Often people who do something anonymously cannot be caught if they do it anon.
          2. Provides a shield to hide behind
            1. The government have laws in place to reduce anonymity in case of illegal actions
              1. Service providers have to keep a record for 12 months of websites a user has visited: authorities don't need a warrant to access these
              2. The internet can provide a PLATFORM to say things that are not acceptable in certain cultures.
                1. Example: being gay is illegal in some countries and discussing it could lead to prosecution
                2. Allows people to point out injustice, but not be revealed as whistleblowers
                3. Viral Videos
                  1. Viral videos, Images and Memes, can spread across the internet very rapidly
                    1. Give people around the world a shared experience that they can discuss and build upon
                      1. Often brings in huge amounts of people
                        1. People can become famous overnight, or get their 10 seconds of fame before a new viral video comes along.
                        2. Advertising companies aim to manufacture viral videos hoping to gain huge amounts of free publicity
                          1. Large groups can respond to these videos and bring about substantial legal and political changes
                            1. Social movements
                              1. Public image and views of politicians can change in accordance to these viral videos
                                1. Publicity aim to get ahead of viral spreading, and make a brand
                            2. No one knows what really makes a video go viral
                            3. Citizen Journal
                              1. Health
                                1. Social Media
                                  1. Everyone in the UK is connected to social media in some way
                                    1. Allow people to communicate more easily
                                      1. Allows businesses to advertise to customers, recieve feedback and comment in real time.
                                        1. Allows everyone to see news and updates about things live, enabling up to date knowledge
                                          1. However, false information and fake news can spread just as quickly as live news
                                            1. Makes it much more difficult to find the truth in a situation
                                            2. People can be distracted by social media, as it is such a large part of life today
                                              1. Can distract student from education; can distract adults from their employment
                                              2. Could be used as a substitute for friendship
                                                1. Could isolate them from the world around us
                                                2. Can help people find helpful groups but could also provide a banner for hateful groups too
                                                  1. Affects all cultures
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