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Meteorology - Earth Science
Earth-Science level meteorology.
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earth science
earth science
9th grade
Mind Map by
Sarah Carson
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Nadia Taeckens
about 7 years ago
Copied by
Sarah Carson
almost 7 years ago
Resource summary
Meteorology - Earth Science
Barometric Pressure
mb, in. of mercury
weight of the overlaying atmosphere pushing down on a unit of area
form circular patterns showing large masses of air
Factors that Affect Pressure
> Temp = farther apart molecules = < pressure
>altitude = air < dense, = < pressure
MOISTURE: Humidity > = > H20, lighter than O2/N2, = < pressure
water vapor enters atmosphere via evaporation, sublimation, and transpiration
Factors that Affect Rate of Evaporation
Temp >, R.O.E. >
Humidity >, R.O.E. <
Wind >, R.O.E. >
Sur. Area >, R.O.E >
rate of evaporation = rate of condensation
when air holds as much water vapor as possible at given temp
Dew Point
Temp the air must be cooled to to reach saturation
Affected by amount of WV in air, NOT R.H.
sling psychrometer
When air temp + dew point are =, air is saturated, and condensation occurs
decreases w/altitude
As water vapor increases, dew point temp increases
As temp >, the amount of water vapor that can be hold >.
Absolute Humidity: Amount (mass) of water vapor in air
Relative Humdity (RH): Amount of W.V. in air compared to how much can be held.
Sling Psychrometer
dry bulb = air temp
Wet bulb depends on R.O.E., thus depends on dryness of air
Pressure systems
High pressure
winds blow clockwise and away from center
sinking air
cool, dry weather
Low Pressure
winds blow counterclockwise and towards center
rising air
As pressure gradient >, wind speed >
In order to form:
moisture in air
cooling temperature (due to rising air)
condensation nuclei (aerosols, dust particles)
I. warm air rises
II. Rising air expands
III. Expanding air cools to the dew point temp
IV. At dew point temp, condensation occurs and clouds form
Adiabatic Cooling
Cooling of air due to expansion, rising air expands and cools
Forms clouds in low pressure
Adiabatic Warming
Warming of air due to compression, sinking of air compresses and warms
No clouds form in high pressure systems
Air Masses
Large body of air in troposphere with similar characteristics of temp, moisture, and press
Tropical: form @ tropics, high temps
Polar: form @ high latitudes, low temps
Arctic = VERY cold
Continental: form @ land, dry
Maritime: form @ water, wet
Source Region = where air mass forms
take on characteristics of surfaces over which they form
cold air mass moves into region of warm air
Cold air = dense, stays near surface
forces less dense warm air to rise above it
Thus, clouds form at leading edge
Precip occurs along frontal boundary at surface
narrow band of heavy rain/thunderstorms
warm air mass moves into region of cold air
warm, less dense air is forced to rise over the top
Precip occurs before frontal boundary at surface
Wide band of steady, all day shower
2 different air masses not moving relative to one another
steady, heavy rain
precip occurs in a wide band along the front at the surface
cold air mass moves into and takes over a region of warm air
steady, all day rains followed by heavy rain/thunderstorms
precip occurs in a wide band before and along the front
Always associated with low pressure systems
counterclockwise circulation of air in L press draw warm, moist air up from lower latitude and colder, dry air down from high latitudes
occurs when air rises, expands, cools adiabatically to dew point temp, condenses to form clouds, ff droplets get heavy enough to fall
Areas of Rain
Windward Wide of Mountain/Orographic Effect
Windward side is cool, wet
air rises as it is forced over mountain
Leeward side is cool and dry
Rain shadow - very dry region on leeward side of mountain due to sinking air
Equatorial Regions
Warm air rises due to convection
Recieve most direct insolation, so air is heated and rises
Low Pressure Systems
Surface air converges and rises at center of L. press systems
Warm, less dense air rises over colder, more dense air
Areas with little rain
where air is sinking, compresses, warms (adiabatically)
Form from uplifting warm air associated with cold front
located in inland regions
produce heavy rains, hail, winds, thunder/lighting
rapidly rotating low press. funnel associated with strong thunderstorms and cold fronts in spring
Very narrow: 100 ft - 1 mile in dm
Last for few minutes to an hour
Form as low pressure centers over warm tropical waters in late summer/early fall
gain energy from condensation of moisture evaporated over warm ocean water
Warm rising air produces a very strong low pressure system
Lose strength as they move over land
Flooding along coast - storm surge-causes most damage
Minimum winds = 74 mph
Lake Effect Snow
prevailing winds move across the rel. warm Great Lakes, pick up moisture, which is uplifted over Tug Hill, where it snows dues to orographic effect
Storm Tracks
Prevailing Westerlies - winds over US
blow W -> East
Tropical storms that affect US develop West of Africa
trade winds carry them to US South east
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