

Mind Map on Evaluation, created by Jemma Ward on 26/03/2018.
Jemma  Ward
Mind Map by Jemma Ward, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemma  Ward
Created by Jemma Ward over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. GoConqr
    1. For evaluation question 4, which is this one I decided to use GoConqr, I believe it was the easiest way to show the media technologies that I have used throughout, I didn't want it to look clustered and unclear. It is an easy web2.0 tool to use once you get the hang of it. I ave included the main topic in the middle, then a sub-topic then further details, I then colour coded it to make it easier and added images for the aesthetics.
    2. Blogger
      1. I have posted all of my evaluation questions on my blog, they are the most recent added post as they were completed at the end of the course to conclude all of my findings. Add to show how I have come on from the beginning to the end of the coursework, I hope to have shown improvements.
      2. Final Cut Pro
        1. I used Final Cut Pro to put together a video that ran along side the script that I spoke, I used this program as over the course I had developed better knowledge and was able to edit use different features. I felt making the video was a good way to make the script less boring as it wasn't in an essay form.
        2. YouTube
          1. Once I created the video on Final Cut Pro I then imported it to my YouTube channel, this then enabled me to import it onto my blog.
          2. Phone/Airdrop
            1. Used my phone to film me speaking the script that I had previously wrote then I airdropped it to the apple mac as it is quicker than importing it. I was going to film my face when speaking the script like in my production diaries but then I decided I wanted to add different images to accompany what I was saying so filmed a blanc screen.
            2. Visme
              1. I done evaluation question 2 on Visme as I like the 'powerpoint' style format, I think its clear to follow and understand the answer. I added screenshot images of different final product that me and my group created and this was easy to do on the web2.0 tool.
              2. Canva
                1. I answered the first evaluation question 1 on Canva as it was very easy to use and a clear way to display my answer. I wanted to do the first question on an interactive presentation as I wanted to make it easy to follow so that I could gather an understanding of how to answer the questions.
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