SDLC - Exam question


Mind Map on SDLC - Exam question, created by jayshamji on 18/09/2014.
Mind Map by jayshamji, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jayshamji about 10 years ago

Resource summary

SDLC - Exam question
  1. Feasibility outcomes
    1. cost-effective
      1. cost benefit analysis
      2. Legal
        1. within budget
          1. Time
          2. Team of analysts
            1. save time
              1. different point of views
                1. better design
                2. Team means more cooperative work,
                  1. More enjoyable
                    1. Improve work efficiency
                3. Individuals
                  1. Concentrate more
                  2. process of investigation
                    1. Observe the old system
                      1. see it first hand
                        1. Time consuming
                        2. Consulting current documentation
                          1. How it should be working/cheaper
                            1. staff may not be using the system properly
                            2. Give out questionnaires
                              1. Cheap to produce
                                1. answers may be untrue
                                2. Interview users of the old system
                                  1. large amount of detail.
                                    1. time consuming
                                    2. Data flow diagrams
                                      1. flow of data of the old system
                                    3. documentation of the investigation
                                      1. Data flow diagrams
                                        1. Shows a picture of data flow
                                        2. Detailed requirement specification
                                          1. Input, processing, output and storage. Hardware, software. - Requirements in specification.
                                        3. process of design and documentation
                                          1. System design - a detailed design of a software package
                                            1. Before development - documentation produced in which includes:
                                              1. Design of human computer interface (HCI)
                                                1. Input and output designs
                                                  1. Algorithms (for processing)
                                                    1. Data structure design (for storage) and data flow diagrams.
                                                      1. Entity relationship diagrams - ERDs
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