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Alba [Glowing rabbit]


Mind Map on Alba [Glowing rabbit], created by Hemanth Sai on 06/04/2018.
Hemanth Sai
Mind Map by Hemanth Sai, updated more than 1 year ago
Hemanth Sai
Created by Hemanth Sai almost 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (2)

Resource summary

Alba [Glowing rabbit]
  1. Alba was an albino rabbit engineered by splicing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of a jellyfish into her genome.
    1. Eduardo Kac, the artist who created a flurry by making her a work of art
      1. ‘Alba’ is a transgenic albino rabbit
        1. She contains a jellyfish gene that makes her glow green when illuminated with the correct light.
          1. Alba was created by French scientists who injected green fluorescent protein (GFP) of a Pacific Northwest jellyfish into the fertilized egg of an albino rabbit.
            1. It was taken with an ultraviolet light and a yellow filter, which removes the blue light and reveals the fluorescence
              1. this photo was taken with an ultraviolet light and a yellow filter, which removes the blue light and reveals the fluorescence
            2. Born in April 2000, the rabbit is part of a transgenic art project called “GFP Bunny” by Chicago artist Eduardo Kac.
              1. “GFP Bunny” has raised many ethical questions and sparked an international controversy about whether Alba should be considered art at all.
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