Winter Swans - Owen Sheers


Year 10 English (15 Poems on Love and Relationships) Mind Map on Winter Swans - Owen Sheers, created by Neer Shah on 13/04/2018.
Neer Shah
Mind Map by Neer Shah, updated more than 1 year ago
Neer Shah
Created by Neer Shah over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Winter Swans - Owen Sheers
  1. "clouds had given their all" (personification of the weather)
    1. Heavy rain reflects the problems in their relationship
    2. "gulping for breath" (personification of the earth's desperation)
      1. Links to their relationship struggling
      2. "skirted"
        1. Keeping to the edge of the lake and also keeping their distance from each other
        2. "As if rolling weights"
          1. Image suggests that the couple are weighed down by their problems
          2. "like boats righting in rough water" (simile)
            1. Shows it's been a rough time in their relationship
            2. "They mate for life" (first dialogue)
              1. Suggests a turn in their relationship
              2. "light"
                1. Suggests hope
                2. "swum...wings" (swan imagery)
                  1. Reflects how they're following the example of the swans
                  2. "pair"
                    1. They're no longer separate, but part of one whole
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