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Singh Song! - Daljit Nagra
Year 10 English (15 Poems on Love and Relationships) Mind Map on Singh Song! - Daljit Nagra, created by Neer Shah on 13/04/2018.
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15 poems on love and relationships
year 10
Mind Map by
Neer Shah
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Neer Shah
almost 7 years ago
Resource summary
Singh Song! - Daljit Nagra
"he vunt me not to have a break but ven nobody in, I do di lock"
Rebellion against his father
"vee share in" (repetition)
Emphasises the couple's unity
"pinnie untied" (comical image)
A comical image of rebellion
"in di worst Indian shop on di whole Indian road" (hyperbole)
Creates humour and highlights the contrasts between narrator and his father
"my bride" (repetition)
Suggests he's proud of her and can't stop thinking about her
"tiny eyes ov a gun and di tummy ov a teddy" (metaphor)
Describes the wife as both dangerous and cute
Suggests relationship is affectionate and carefree
"Is priceless baby"
Suggests their love is more important then money
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