

Mind Map on Elderly, created by r_williams on 17/06/2013.
Mind Map by r_williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by r_williams over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Definition
    1. Individuals over 65 years old whom many are pensioners and some have functional impairments.
    2. Dietary Needs and Meal Planning
      1. Nutritional Needs
        1. Due to a reduction in physical activity, enregy requirements may decrease gradually after the age of 50 in women and 60 in men.
          1. Protein requirements decrease for men but continue to increase slightly for women.
            1. Requirement for vitamins remain the same but an elderly person's diet is more likely to be deficient in Vitamin C (if elderly have struggle peeling fruit and vegetables), D (if elderly are housebound so don't expose their bodies to sunlight) and Folate (for elderly people who dont consume enough green leafy vegetables).
              1. Adequate intakes of calcium should be included in the diet for good bone health to prevent porous bones leading to osteoporosis
              2. Services
                1. Wiltshire Farm Foods
                  1. Cater for elderly being the UK’s leading frozen meals home delivery service
                  2. Meals On wheels
                    1. deliver meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals
                    2. Age UK
                      1. Helps the elderly have access to the products and services they need at a price they can afford
                    3. Health Related Illnesses
                      1. Anaemia
                        1. The condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells- diminishing the capatiy of the blood to carry oxygen.
                          1. Can occur due to poor absorption and blood loss as a result of injury
                        2. Osteoporosis
                          1. a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture, owing to loss of calcium
                          2. Diabetes
                            1. Elderly are more prone to developing Type 2 Diabetes
                              1. In the UK one in 20 people aged over 65 and one in five people aged over 85 have diabetes.
                          3. General Information
                            1. As invididuals get older we tend to become less active therefore energy expenditure decreases as we live a more sedentary lifestyle
                              1. Elderly are the fastest growing sector in society
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