
how to create a website
maddie Haunch
Mind Map by maddie Haunch, updated more than 1 year ago
maddie Haunch
Created by maddie Haunch over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1.change the language to HTML
    1. To do this you:
      1. Go to language
        1. Then h
          1. Then HTML
    2. 2. to start a website you must :
      1. Type <html> at the top of the page
        1. And </html> at the bottom.
          1. Then save it.
      2. 3.To change the font type:
        1. <font color="red">
          1. Then on the same line type in bold capitols what you want to say
            1. Then still on the same line, type </font>
              1. To change the size and font, you type all the same but change the word color and red to size="+4" or face=chiller
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