The Books of Original Entry and Ledgers


aLevel Business - Finance Mind Map on The Books of Original Entry and Ledgers, created by hannahsophie.austin on 21/06/2013.
Mind Map by hannahsophie.austin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahsophie.austin over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Books of Original Entry and Ledgers
  1. Purchases Journal: (Purchases Day Book)
    1. Chronological list of all credit purchases. These are complied from invoices received from creditors.
    2. Purchases Returns Journals: (Purchases Returns Day Book)
      1. Chronological list of all purchases subsequently returned to suppliers. These are complied with the credit notes received.
      2. Sales Journal: (Sales Day Book)
        1. Chronological list of all credit sales. These are complied from invoices issued by the company to debtors.
        2. Sales Returns Journals: (Sales returns day book)
          1. Chronological list of all sales subsequently returned to the company by customers. These are complied from credit notes issued by the company.
          2. Journal: (Journal Proper)
            1. Used to record entries such as the purchase or sale of fixed assets or the correction of errors.
            2. Purchase Ledgers:
              1. Is part of the double-entry system. These contain the individual personal accounts of a businesses credit suppliers. The main entries in the purchase ledger are posted from the purchases journals and the cashbook.
              2. Sales Ledgers:
                1. Part of the double-entry system. These contain the individual personal accounts of a business's credit customers. The main entries in the sales ledger are posted from the sales journal and the cashbook.
                2. General Ledgers:
                  1. Part of the double-entry system, the ledger contains all of the impersonals accounts of the business, such as fixed assets, expenses, sales and purchase accounts.
                  2. Cashbook:
                    1. Is a book of original entry and a part of the double entry system. This contains details of every transaction that takes place using the company's bank account or cash funds.
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